Interface HString

  • All Superinterfaces:
    CharSequence, Comparable<Span>, Serializable, Span, StringLike
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    Annotation, Document

    public interface HString
    extends Span, StringLike, Serializable

    An HString (Hermes String) is a Java String on steroids. It represents the base type of all Hermes text objects. Every HString has an associated span denoting its starting and ending character offset within the document. HStrings implement the CharSequence interface allowing them to be used in many of Java's builtin String methods and they have similar methods as found on Java Strings. Importantly, methods not modifying the underlying string, e.g. substring and find, return an HString whereas methods that modify the string, e.g. toLowerCase, return a String object. The String-Like operations are as follows:

    David B. Bracewell
    • Method Detail

      • toHString

        static HString toHString​(Object o)
        Helper function for converting an Object into an HString. Will construct fragments for nulls and strings. Objects not convertible into HStrings result in detached empty annotaitons.
        o - the object to convert
        the HString result
      • union

        static HString union​(@NonNull
                             @NonNull HString first,
                             @NonNull HString second,
                             @NonNull HString... others)
        Creates a new string by performing a union over the spans of two or more HStrings. The new HString will have a span that starts at the minimum starting position of the given strings and end at the maximum ending position of the given strings.
        first - the first HString
        second - the second HString
        others - the other HStrings to union
        A new HString representing the union over the spans of the given HStrings.
      • union

        static HString union​(@NonNull
                             @NonNull Iterable<? extends HString> strings)
        Creates a new string by performing a union over the spans of two or more HStrings. The new HString will have a span that starts at the minimum starting position of the given strings and end at the maximum ending position of the given strings.
        strings - the HStrings to union
        A new HString representing the union over the spans of the given HStrings.
      • add

        void add​(Relation relation)
        Adds an outgoing relation to the HString.
        relation - the relation to add
      • addAll

        default void addAll​(@NonNull
                            @NonNull Iterable<Relation> relations)
        Adds multiple outgoing relations to the HString.
        relations - the relations to add
      • annotationGraph

        default RelationGraph annotationGraph​(Tuple relationTypes,
                                              AnnotationType... annotationTypes)

        Constructs a relation graph with the given relation types as the edges and the given annotation types as the vertices (the interleaved(AnnotationType...) method is used to get the annotations). Relations will be determine for annotations by including the relations of their sub-annotations (i.e. sub-spans). This allows, for example, a dependency graph to be built over other annotation types, e.g. phrase chunks.

        relationTypes - the relation types making up the edges
        annotationTypes - annotation types making up the vertices
        the relation graph
      • annotationStream

        default Stream<Annotation> annotationStream()
        Gets a java Stream over all annotations overlapping this HString.
        the stream of annotations
      • annotationStream

        default Stream<Annotation> annotationStream​(@NonNull
                                                    @NonNull AnnotationType type)
        Gets a java Stream over annotations of the given type overlapping this HString.
        type - the type of annotation making up the stream
        the stream of given annotation type
      • annotations

        default List<Annotation> annotations()
        Gets all annotations overlapping this HString
        all annotations overlapping with this HString.
      • annotations

        default List<Annotation> annotations​(@NonNull
                                             @NonNull AnnotationType type,
                                             @NonNull Predicate<? super Annotation> filter)
        Gets annotations of a given type and that test positive for the given filter that overlap with this HString.
        type - the type of annotation wanted
        filter - The filter that annotations must pass in order to be accepted
        the list of annotations of given type meeting the given filter that overlap with this HString
      • annotations

        default List<Annotation> annotations​(@NonNull
                                             @NonNull AnnotationType type)
        Gets annotations of a given type that overlap with this HString.
        type - the type of annotation wanted
        the list of annotations of given type that overlap with this HString
      • asAnnotation

        default Annotation asAnnotation()
        Gets this HString as an annotation. If the HString is already an annotation it is simply cast. Otherwise a detached annotation of type AnnotationType.ROOT is created.
        An annotation.
      • asAnnotation

        default Annotation asAnnotation​(@NonNull
                                        @NonNull AnnotationType type)
        Attempts to cast this HString to an Annotation of the given type. If the HString does not represent an annotation of the given type it will create a dummy detached annotation (orphaned if this HString is orphaned).
        type - the desired annotation type
        the annotation
      • atBeginningOfSentence

        default boolean atBeginningOfSentence()
        True if this HString's start is the same as the start of its sentence.
      • atEndOfSentence

        default boolean atEndOfSentence()
        True if this HString's end is the same as the end of its sentence.
      • attribute

        default <T> T attribute​(@NonNull
                                @NonNull AttributeType<T> attributeType)
        Gets the value for a given attribute type
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type parameter
        attributeType - the attribute type
        the value associated with the attribute or null
      • attribute

        default <T> T attribute​(@NonNull
                                @NonNull AttributeType<T> attributeType,
                                T defaultValue)
        Gets the value for a given attribute type
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type parameter
        attributeType - the attribute type
        defaultValue - the defualt value
        the value associated with the attribute or null
      • attributeEquals

        default <T> boolean attributeEquals​(@NonNull
                                            @NonNull AttributeType<T> attributeType,
                                            Object targetValue)
        Checks if the HString has an attribute of the given type that is equal to the given target value is used.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the attribute type parameter
        attributeType - the attribute value to check
        targetValue - the value we are checking if this string's attribute value is equal
        True if the HString has the attribute and it is equal to the given target value
      • attributeIsA

        default <T> boolean attributeIsA​(@NonNull
                                         @NonNull AttributeType<T> attributeType,
                                         Object targetValue)
        Checks if the HString has an attribute of the given type that is a instance of the given target value. When the attribute type is a Tag, the isInstance method is used otherwise equals is used.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the attribute type parameter
        attributeType - the attribute value to check
        targetValue - the value we are checking if this string's attribute value is an instance of
        True if the HString has the attribute and it is an instance of the given target value
      • attributeMap

        AttributeMap attributeMap()
        Exposes the underlying attributes as a Map
        The attribute names and values as a map
      • categories

        default Set<BasicCategories> categories()
        the set of base categories covering all tokens of this HString.
      • charNGrams

        default List<HString> charNGrams​(int order)
        Extracts character n-grams of the given order (e.g. 1=unigram, 2=bigram, etc.)
        order - the order of the n-gram to extract
        the list of character n-grams of given order making up this HString
      • charNGrams

        default List<HString> charNGrams​(int minOrder,
                                         int maxOrder)
        Extracts all character n-grams from the given minimum to given maximum order (e.g. 1=unigram, 2=bigram, etc.)
        minOrder - the minimum order
        maxOrder - the maximum order
        the list of character n-grams of order minOrder to maxOrder making up this HString
        IllegalArgumentException - If minOrder > maxOrder or minOrder <= 0
      • children

        default List<Annotation> children​(@NonNull
                                          @NonNull String relation)
        Gets all child annotations, i.e. those annotations that have a dependency relation pointing this HString, with the given dependency relation.
        relation - The dependency relation value
        the list of child annotations
      • children

        default List<Annotation> children()
        Gets all child annotations, i.e. those annotations that have a dependency relation pointing this HString.
        the list of child annotations
      • computeIfAbsent

        default <T> T computeIfAbsent​(@NonNull
                                      @NonNull AttributeType<T> attributeType,
                                      @NonNull Supplier<T> supplier)
        Sets the value of an attribute if a value is not already set. Removes the attribute if the value is null and ignores setting a value if the attribute is null.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type parameter
        attributeType - the attribute type
        supplier - the supplier to generate the new value
        The old value of the attribute or null
      • context

        default HString context​(int windowSize)
        Generates a new HString consisting of this HString and its given window size (number) of tokens to the left and right. Note sentence boundaries are observed and the context will not go across sentences.
        windowSize - the window size
        the contextualized HString
      • context

        default HString context​(@NonNull
                                @NonNull AnnotationType type,
                                int windowSize)
        Generates a new HString consisting of this HString and its given window size (number) of annotation type to the left and right. Note sentence boundaries are observed and the context will not go across sentences.
        type - the annotation type
        windowSize - the window size
        the contextualized HString
      • dependency

        default Tuple2<String,​Annotation> dependency()
        the outgoing dependency relation and parent for this HString or an tuple of empty string and empty annotation if there is no parent.
      • dependencyGraph

        default RelationGraph dependencyGraph()
        Creates a RelationGraph with dependency edges and token vertices.
        the dependency relation graph
      • dependencyGraph

        default RelationGraph dependencyGraph​(@NonNull
                                              @NonNull AnnotationType... types)
        Creates a RelationGraph with dependency edges and vertices made up of the given types.
        types - The annotation types making up the vertices of the dependency relation graph.
        the dependency relation graph
      • dependencyIsA

        default boolean dependencyIsA​(String... values)
        Checks if this HString has one of the given dependency relations to its parent.
        values - the dependency relation values to check
        True if this HString dependency relation is one of the given values.
      • document

        Document document()
        the document that this HString is associated with
      • embedding

        default NDArray embedding()
      • enclosedAnnotations

        default List<Annotation> enclosedAnnotations()
        all annotations enclosed by this HString
      • enclosedAnnotations

        default List<Annotation> enclosedAnnotations​(@NonNull
                                                     @NonNull AnnotationType annotationType)
        Gets all annotations of the given type enclosed by this HString
        annotationType - the annotation type we want
        the enclosed annotations
      • encloses

        default boolean encloses​(HString other)
        Checks if this HString encloses the given other HString.
        other - The other HString
        True of this one encloses the given other.
      • find

        default HString find​(String text)
        Finds the given text in this HString starting from the beginning of this HString. If the document is annotated with tokens, the match will extend to the token(s) covering the match.
        text - the text to search for
        the HString for the match or empty if no match is found.
      • find

        default HString find​(String text,
                             int start)
        Finds the given text in this HString starting from the given start index of this HString. If the document is annotated with tokens, the match will extend to the token(s) covering the match.
        text - the text to search for
        start - the index to start the search from
        the HString for the match or empty if no match is found.
      • findAll

        default Stream<HString> findAll​(String text)
        Finds all occurrences of the given text in this HString
        text - the text to search for
        A list of HString that are matches to the given string
      • first

        default Annotation first​(@NonNull
                                 @NonNull AnnotationType type)
        Gets the first annotation overlapping this HString with the given annotation type.
        type - the annotation type
        the first annotation of the given type overlapping this HString or an empty annotation if there is none.
      • firstToken

        default Annotation firstToken()
        Gets the first token annotation overlapping this HString.
        the forst token annotation
      • forEach

        default void forEach​(@NonNull
                             @NonNull AnnotationType type,
                             @NonNull Consumer<? super Annotation> consumer)
        Convenience method for processing annotations of a given type.
        type - the annotation type
        consumer - the consumer to use for processing annotations
      • setLanguage

        default void setLanguage​(Language language)
        Sets the language of the HString
        language - The language of the HString.
      • getLemma

        default String getLemma()
        Gets the lemmatized version of the HString. Lemmas of longer phrases are constructed from token lemmas.
        The lemmatized version of the HString.
      • getStemmedForm

        default String getStemmedForm()
        Gets the stemmed version of the HString. Stems of token are determined using the Stemmer associated with the language that the token is in. Tokens store their stem using the STEM attribute, so that the stem only needs to be calculated once.Stems of longer phrases are constructed from token stems.
        The stemmed version of the HString.
      • hasAnnotation

        default boolean hasAnnotation​(@NonNull
                                      @NonNull AnnotationType annotationType)
        Determines if a annotation of a given type is associated with the HString
        annotationType - The annotation type
        True if an annotation of the given type is associated with the HString, False otherwise
      • hasAttribute

        default boolean hasAttribute​(@NonNull
                                     @NonNull AttributeType<?> attributeType)
        Determines if an attribute of a given type is associated with the HString
        attributeType - The attribute type
        True if the attribute is associated with the HString, False otherwise
      • hasIncomingRelation

        default boolean hasIncomingRelation​(@NonNull
                                            @NonNull RelationType type,
                                            String value)
        Checks if the HString has at least one incoming relation of the given type with the given value. Will check sub-annotations as well.
        type - the relation type
        value - the relation value
        True if there as an incoming relation to this HString or a sub-annotation of the given type with the given value.
      • hasIncomingRelation

        default boolean hasIncomingRelation​(@NonNull
                                            @NonNull RelationType relationType)
        Determines if an incoming relation of a given type is associated with the HString
        relationType - The relation type
        True if the relation is associated with the HString, False otherwise
      • hasOutgoingRelation

        default boolean hasOutgoingRelation​(@NonNull
                                            @NonNull RelationType type,
                                            String value)
        Checks if the HString has at least one outgoing relation of the given type with the given value. Will check sub-annotations as well.
        type - the relation type
        value - the relation value
        True if there as an outgoing relation to this HString or a sub-annotation of the given type with the given value.
      • hasOutgoingRelation

        default boolean hasOutgoingRelation​(@NonNull
                                            @NonNull RelationType relationType)
        Determines if an outgoing relation of a given type is associated with the HString
        relationType - The relation type
        True if the relation is associated with the HString, False otherwise
      • head

        default HString head()
        Gets the token that is highest in the dependency tree for this HString
        the head
      • ifNotEmpty

        default void ifNotEmpty​(@NonNull
                                @NonNull Consumer<? super HString> processor)
        Runs the given processor on the HString if it is not empty.
        processor - the processor to run on this HString if it is not empty.
      • incoming

        default List<Annotation> incoming​(RelationType type,
                                          String value)
        Gets all annotations that have relation with this HString as the target where this HString includes all sub-annotations.
        type - the relation type
        value - the value of the relation
        the annotations
      • incoming

        default List<Annotation> incoming​(@NonNull
                                          @NonNull RelationType type,
                                          @NonNull String value,
                                          boolean includeSubAnnotations)
        Gets all annotations that have relation with this HString as the target. If includedSubAnnotations is true then all sub-annotations are examined as potential targets.
        type - the relation type
        value - the relation value
        includeSubAnnotations - True - this HString or any of its sub-annotations can be the target, False - only relations with this exact HString as the target.
        the annotations
      • incoming

        default List<Annotation> incoming​(@NonNull
                                          @NonNull RelationType type)
        Gets all annotations that have relation with this HString as the target where this HString includes all sub-annotations.
        type - the relation type
        the annotations
      • incoming

        default List<Annotation> incoming​(@NonNull
                                          @NonNull RelationType type,
                                          boolean includeSubAnnotations)
        Gets all annotations that have relation with this HString as the target. If includedSubAnnotations is true then all sub-annotations are examined as potential targets.
        type - the relation type
        includeSubAnnotations - True - this HString or any of its sub-annotations can be the target, False - only relations with this exact HString as the target.
        the annotations
      • incomingRelationStream

        default Stream<Relation> incomingRelationStream()
        Get all incoming relations to this HString and its sub-annotations.
        the stream of relations
      • incomingRelationStream

        default Stream<Relation> incomingRelationStream​(boolean includeSubAnnotations)
        Gets all incoming relations to this HString.
        includeSubAnnotations - True - include relations to sub-annotations
        the stream of relations
      • incomingRelations

        default List<Relation> incomingRelations()
        Get all incoming relations to this HString and its sub-annotations.
        the collection of relations
      • incomingRelations

        default List<Relation> incomingRelations​(boolean includeSubAnnotations)
        Gets all incoming relations to this HString.
        includeSubAnnotations - True - include relations to sub-annotations
        the collection of relations
      • incomingRelations

        default List<Relation> incomingRelations​(@NonNull
                                                 @NonNull RelationType relationType)
        Gets all relations of the given type targeting this HString or one of its sub-annotations.
        relationType - the relation type
        the relations
      • incomingRelations

        default List<Relation> incomingRelations​(@NonNull
                                                 @NonNull RelationType relationType,
                                                 boolean includeSubAnnotations)
        Gets all relations of the given type targeting this HString.
        relationType - the relation type
        includeSubAnnotations - True - include relations to sub-annotations
        the relations
      • interleaved

        default List<Annotation> interleaved​(AnnotationType... types)

        Returns the annotations of the given types that overlap this string in a maximum match fashion. Each token in the string is examined and the annotation type with the longest span on that token is chosen. If more than one type has the span length, the first one found will be chose, i.e. the order in which the types are passed in to the method can effect the outcome.

        Examples where this is useful is when dealing with multi-word expressions. Using the interleaved method you can retrieve all tokens and multi-word expressions to fully match the span of the string.

        types - The other types to examine
        The list of interleaved annotations
      • isA

        default boolean isA​(@NonNull
                            @NonNull BasicCategories... categories)
        Checks if this HString has a base category of one of the ones given.
        categories - the categories to check for
        if this HString has a base category of one of the ones given.
      • isAnnotation

        default boolean isAnnotation()
        Is this HString an annotation?
        True if this HString represents an annotation
      • isDocument

        default boolean isDocument()
        True if this HString represents a document
      • isInstance

        default boolean isInstance​(AnnotationType type)
        Returns true this HString is an instance of the given annotation type
        type - the annotation type
        True if this HString is an annotation of the given type
      • last

        default Annotation last​(@NonNull
                                @NonNull AnnotationType type)
        Gets the last annotation overlapping this HString with the given annotation type.
        type - the annotation type
        the last annotation of the given type overlapping this HString or a detached empty annotation if there is none.
      • lastToken

        default Annotation lastToken()
        the last token annotation overlapping this HString
      • leftContext

        default HString leftContext​(int windowSize)
        Generates an HString representing the windowSize tokens to the left of the start of this HString.
        windowSize - the number of tokens in the context.
        the HString context
      • leftContext

        default HString leftContext​(@NonNull
                                    @NonNull AnnotationType type,
                                    int windowSize)
        Generates an HString representing the windowSize of given annotation types to the left of the start of this HString.
        type - the annotation type to create the context of.
        windowSize - the number of tokens in the context.
        the HString context
      • next

        default Annotation next​(@NonNull
                                @NonNull AnnotationType type)
        Gets the annotation of a given type that is next in order (of span) to this one
        type - the type of annotation wanted
        the next annotation of the given type or null
      • outgoing

        default List<Annotation> outgoing​(RelationType type)
        Gets all annotations with which this HString or any of its sub-annotations has an outgoing relation of the given type.
        type - the relation type
        the annotations
      • outgoing

        default List<Annotation> outgoing​(@NonNull
                                          @NonNull RelationType type,
                                          boolean includeSubAnnotations)
        Gets all annotations with which this HString has an outgoing relation of the given type.
        type - the relation type
        includeSubAnnotations - True - include annotations for which any of the sub-annotations has an outgoing relation.
        the annotations
      • outgoing

        default List<Annotation> outgoing​(RelationType type,
                                          String value)
        Gets all annotations with which this HString or any of its sub-annotations has an outgoing relation of the given type and value.
        type - the relation type
        value - the relation value
        the annotations
      • outgoing

        default List<Annotation> outgoing​(@NonNull
                                          @NonNull RelationType type,
                                          String value,
                                          boolean includeSubAnnotations)
        Gets all annotations with which this HString has an outgoing relation of the given type and value.
        type - the relation type
        value - the relation value
        includeSubAnnotations - True - include annotations for which any of the sub-annotations has an outgoing relation.
        the annotations
      • outgoingRelationStream

        default Stream<Relation> outgoingRelationStream()
        Get all outgoing relations to this HString and its sub-annotations.
        the stream of relations
      • outgoingRelationStream

        default Stream<Relation> outgoingRelationStream​(boolean includeSubAnnotations)
        Gets all outgoing relations to this HString.
        includeSubAnnotations - True - include relations to sub-annotations
        the stream of relations
      • outgoingRelations

        default List<Relation> outgoingRelations()
        Get all outgoing relations to this HString and its sub-annotations.
        the collection of relations
      • outgoingRelations

        default List<Relation> outgoingRelations​(boolean includeSubAnnotations)
        Gets all outgoing relations to this HString.
        includeSubAnnotations - True - include relations to sub-annotations
        the collection of relations
      • outgoingRelations

        default List<Relation> outgoingRelations​(@NonNull
                                                 @NonNull RelationType relationType)
        Gets all relations of the given type originating from this HString or one of its sub-annotations.
        relationType - the relation type
        the relations
      • outgoingRelations

        default List<Relation> outgoingRelations​(@NonNull
                                                 @NonNull RelationType relationType,
                                                 boolean includeSubAnnotations)
        Gets all relations of the given type originating from this HString.
        relationType - the relation type
        includeSubAnnotations - True - include relations to sub-annotations
        the relations
      • overlaps

        default boolean overlaps​(HString other)
        Checks if this HString overlaps with the given other.
        other - The other HString
        True of this one overlaps with the given other.
      • parent

        default Annotation parent()
        Gets the dependency parent of this HString
        the parent
      • pos

        default PartOfSpeech pos()
        Gets the part-of-speech of the HString
        The best part-of-speech for the HString
      • previous

        default Annotation previous​(@NonNull
                                    @NonNull AnnotationType type)
        Gets the annotation of a given type that is previous in order (of span) to this one
        type - the type of annotation wanted
        the previous annotation of the given type or null
      • put

        default <T> T put​(@NonNull
                          @NonNull AttributeType<T> attributeType,
                          T value)
        Sets the value of an attribute. Removes the attribute if the value is null and ignores setting a value if the attribute is null.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type parameter
        attributeType - the attribute type
        value - the value
        The old value of the attribute or null
      • putAdd

        default <E,​T extends Collection<E>> void putAdd​(@NonNull
                                                              @NonNull AttributeType<T> attributeType,
                                                              @NonNull Iterable<E> items)
        Allows adding multiple values to a Collection based attribute.
        Type Parameters:
        E - the element type parameter
        T - the attribute type parameter
        attributeType - the attribute type
        items - the items to add
      • putAll

        default void putAll​(@NonNull
                            @NonNull Map<AttributeType<?>,​?> map)
        Sets attributes on this HString from those in the given map.
        map - the attribute-value map
      • putAll

        default void putAll​(@NonNull
                            @NonNull HString hString)
        Copies the attribute values from the given HString to this one
        hString - The HString whose attributes we want to copy.
      • putIfAbsent

        default <T> T putIfAbsent​(@NonNull
                                  @NonNull AttributeType<T> attributeType,
                                  T value)
        Sets the value of an attribute if a value is not already set. Removes the attribute if the value is null and ignores setting a value if the attribute is null.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type parameter
        attributeType - the attribute type
        value - the value to put
        The old value of the attribute or null
      • removeAttribute

        default <T> T removeAttribute​(@NonNull
                                      @NonNull AttributeType<T> attributeType)
        Removes an attribute from the HString.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type parameter
        attributeType - the attribute type
        the value that was associated with the attribute
      • removeRelation

        void removeRelation​(@NonNull
                            @NonNull Relation relation)
        Removes the given relation from this annotation
        relation - the relation to remove
      • rightContext

        default HString rightContext​(int windowSize)
        Generates an HString representing the windowSize tokens to the right of the end of this HString without going past the sentence end.
        windowSize - the number of tokens in the context.
        the HString context
      • rightContext

        default HString rightContext​(@NonNull
                                     @NonNull AnnotationType type,
                                     int windowSize)
        Generates an HString representing the windowSize of given annotation types to the right of the end of this HString without going past the sentence end.
        type - the annotation type to create the context of.
        windowSize - the number of tokens in the context.
        the HString context
      • sentence

        default Annotation sentence()
        Assumes the HString only overlaps with a single sentence and returns it. This is equivalent to calling first(AnnotationType) with the annotation type set to Types.SENTENCE
        Returns the first, and possibly only, sentence this HString overlaps with.
      • sentenceStream

        default Stream<Annotation> sentenceStream()
        Gets a java Stream over the sentences overlapping this HString.
        the stream of sentences
      • sentences

        default List<Annotation> sentences()
        Gets the sentences overlapping this HString
        the sentences overlapping this annotation.
      • split

        default List<HString> split​(Predicate<? super Annotation> delimiterPredicate)
        Splits this HString using the given predicate to apply against tokens. An example of where this might be useful is when we want to split long phrases on different punctuation, e.g. commas or semicolons.
        delimiterPredicate - the predicate to use to determine if a token is a delimiter or not
        the list of split HString
      • startingHere

        default List<Annotation> startingHere​(@NonNull
                                              @NonNull AnnotationType type)
        Gets annotations of a given type that have the same starting offset as this HString.
        type - the type of annotation wanted
        the list of annotations of given type have the same starting offset as this HString.
      • substring

        default HString substring​(int relativeStart,
                                  int relativeEnd)
        Returns a new HString that is a substring of this one. The substring begins at the specified relativeStart and extends to the character at index relativeEnd - 1. Thus the length of the substring is relativeEnd-relativeStart.
        relativeStart - the relative start within in this HString
        relativeEnd - the relative end within this HString
        the specified substring.
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - - if the relativeStart is negative, or relativeEnd is larger than the length of this HString object, or relativeStart is larger than relativeEnd.
      • toDocument

        default Document toDocument()
        Converts this HString into a Document copying the annotations and relations.
        the new document covering this HString
      • toPOSString

        default String toPOSString()
        Converts the HString to a string with part-of-speech information attached using _ as the delimiter
        the HString with part-of-speech information attached to tokens
      • toPOSString

        default String toPOSString​(char delimiter)
        Converts the HString to a string with part-of-speech information attached using the given delimiter
        delimiter - the delimiter to use to separate word and part-of-speech
        the HString with part-of-speech information attached to tokens
      • tokenAt

        default Annotation tokenAt​(int tokenIndex)

        Gets the token at the given token index which is a relative offset from this HString. For example, given the document with the following tokens: ["the", "quick", "brown", "fox", "jumps", "over", "the", "lazy", "dog"] and this annotated HString spanning ["quick", "brown", "fox"] "quick" would have a relative offset in this HString of 0 and document offset of 1.

        tokenIndex - the token index relative to the tokens overlapping this HString.
        the token annotation at the relative offset
      • tokenLength

        default int tokenLength()
        The length of the HString in tokens
        the number of tokens in this annotation
      • tokenStream

        default Stream<Annotation> tokenStream()
        Gets a java Stream over the tokens overlapping this HString.
        the stream of tokens
      • tokens

        default List<Annotation> tokens()
        Gets the tokens overlapping this HString.
        the tokens overlapping this annotation.
      • trim

        default HString trim​(@NonNull
                             @NonNull Predicate<? super HString> toTrimPredicate)
        Trims tokens off the left and right of this HString that match the given predicate.
        toTrimPredicate - the predicate to use to determine if a token should be removed (evaulate to TRUE) or kept (evaluate to FALSE).
        the trimmed HString
      • trimLeft

        default HString trimLeft​(@NonNull
                                 @NonNull Predicate<? super HString> toTrimPredicate)
        Trims tokens off the left of this HString that match the given predicate.
        toTrimPredicate - the predicate to use to determine if a token should be removed (evaulate to TRUE) or kept (evaluate to FALSE).
        the trimmed HString
      • trimRight

        default HString trimRight​(@NonNull
                                  @NonNull Predicate<? super HString> toTrimPredicate)
        Trims tokens off the right of this HString that match the given predicate.
        toTrimPredicate - the predicate to use to determine if a token should be removed (evaulate to TRUE) or kept (evaluate to FALSE).
        the trimmed HString
      • union

        default HString union​(@NonNull
                              @NonNull HString other)
        Creates a new string by performing a union over the spans of this HString and at least one more HString. The new HString will have a span that starts at the minimum starting position of the given strings and end at the maximum ending position of the given strings.
        other - the HString to union with
        A new HString representing the union over the spans of the given HStrings.