Class Iterables

  • public final class Iterables
    extends Object
    Methods for manipulating iterables
    David B. Bracewell
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static <T> Iterable<T> asIterable​(@NonNull Iterator<? extends T> iterator)
      Wraps an Iterator as an Iterable
      static <T> Iterable<T> asIterable​(Object array)
      Wraps an array as an Iterable
      static <T> Iterable<T> concat​(@NonNull Iterable<? extends T>... iterables)
      Concatenates iterables together
      static <E> Iterable<E> filter​(@NonNull Iterable<? extends E> iterable, @NonNull SerializablePredicate<? super E> predicate)
      Filters elements from the given iterable when the given filter predicate evaluates to false
      static <T> Iterable<T> flatten​(@NonNull Iterable<? extends Iterable<? extends T>> iterable)
      Flattens an iterable of iterables into a single iterable view.
      static <T> Optional<T> get​(@NonNull Iterable<? extends T> iterable, int index)
      Gets the element of the iterable at the given index using either get if the iterable is a list or by iterating index times.
      static <T> T get​(Iterable<? extends T> iterable, int index, T defaultValue)
      Gets the element of the iterable at the given index using either get if the iterable is a list or by iterating index times.
      static <T> Optional<T> getFirst​(@NonNull Iterable<? extends T> iterable)
      Returns the first item in an iterable.
      static <T> T getFirst​(@NonNull Iterable<T> iterable, T defaultValue)
      Gets the first element of the iterable.
      static <T> Optional<T> getLast​(@NonNull Iterable<? extends T> iterable)
      Returns the last item in an iterable.
      static <T> T getLast​(@NonNull Iterable<? extends T> iterable, T defaultValue)
      Returns the last item in an iterable.
      static boolean isEmpty​(@NonNull Iterable<?> iterable)
      Determines if the iterable is empty or not.
      static int size​(@NonNull Iterable<?> iterable)
      Gets the size of the iterable
      static <E extends Comparable<? super E>>
      sort​(@NonNull Iterable<? extends E> iterable)
      Sorts the items of an iterable returning an array of the sorted items.
      static <E> List<E> sort​(@NonNull Iterable<? extends E> iterable, @NonNull Comparator<? super E> comparator)
      Sorts the items of an iterable returning an array of the sorted items.
      static <I,​O>
      transform​(@NonNull Iterable<? extends I> iterable, @NonNull SerializableFunction<? super I,​? extends O> function)
      Transforms the elements in the iterable
      static <T,​U>
      zip​(@NonNull Iterable<? extends T> iterable1, @NonNull Iterable<? extends U> iterable2)
      Zips (combines) two iterators together.
      static <T> Iterable<Map.Entry<T,​Integer>> zipWithIndex​(@NonNull Iterable<? extends T> iterable)
      Creates pairs of entries from the given iterable and its index in the iterable (0 based)
    • Method Detail

      • asIterable

        public static <T> Iterable<T> asIterable​(Object array)
        Wraps an array as an Iterable
        Type Parameters:
        T - the component type of the array
        array - The array to wrap
        An Iterable wrapping the iterator.
      • asIterable

        public static <T> Iterable<T> asIterable​(@NonNull
                                                 @NonNull Iterator<? extends T> iterator)
        Wraps an Iterator as an Iterable
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type parameter
        iterator - The iterator to wrap
        An Iterable wrapping the iterator.
      • concat

        public static <T> Iterable<T> concat​(@NonNull
                                             @NonNull Iterable<? extends T>... iterables)
        Concatenates iterables together
        Type Parameters:
        T - the iterables element type parameter
        iterables - the iterables to concatenate
        the concatenated iterable
      • filter

        public static <E> Iterable<E> filter​(@NonNull
                                             @NonNull Iterable<? extends E> iterable,
                                             @NonNull SerializablePredicate<? super E> predicate)
        Filters elements from the given iterable when the given filter predicate evaluates to false
        Type Parameters:
        E - the iterable type parameter
        iterable - the iterable to filter
        predicate - the filter to apply items evaluating to false will be removed from the iterator
        the filtered iterable
      • flatten

        public static <T> Iterable<T> flatten​(@NonNull
                                              @NonNull Iterable<? extends Iterable<? extends T>> iterable)
        Flattens an iterable of iterables into a single iterable view.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the iterable element type parameter
        iterable - the iterable to flatten
        the flattened iterable
      • get

        public static <T> Optional<T> get​(@NonNull
                                          @NonNull Iterable<? extends T> iterable,
                                          int index)
        Gets the element of the iterable at the given index using either get if the iterable is a list or by iterating index times.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the iterable element type parameter
        iterable - the iterable
        index - the index of the element to retrieve
        Optional of the element or empty when the index is out of bounds
      • get

        public static <T> T get​(Iterable<? extends T> iterable,
                                int index,
                                T defaultValue)
        Gets the element of the iterable at the given index using either get if the iterable is a list or by iterating index times.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the iterable element type parameter
        iterable - the iterable
        index - the index of the element to retrieve
        defaultValue - value to return when the element is null or index is out of bounds
        element value or default value
      • getFirst

        public static <T> Optional<T> getFirst​(@NonNull
                                               @NonNull Iterable<? extends T> iterable)

        Returns the first item in an iterable.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of element in the iterable
        iterable - the iterable
        An optional containing the first element in the iterable if available
      • getFirst

        public static <T> T getFirst​(@NonNull
                                     @NonNull Iterable<T> iterable,
                                     T defaultValue)
        Gets the first element of the iterable.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the iterable element type parameter
        iterable - the iterable
        defaultValue - the default value
        the first element of the iterable or the default value
      • getLast

        public static <T> Optional<T> getLast​(@NonNull
                                              @NonNull Iterable<? extends T> iterable)

        Returns the last item in an iterable.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of element in the iterable
        iterable - the iterable
        An optional containing the last element in the iterable or null if none
      • getLast

        public static <T> T getLast​(@NonNull
                                    @NonNull Iterable<? extends T> iterable,
                                    T defaultValue)

        Returns the last item in an iterable.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of element in the iterable
        iterable - the iterable
        defaultValue - default value if the list is empty
        An optional containing the last element in the iterable or null if none
      • isEmpty

        public static boolean isEmpty​(@NonNull
                                      @NonNull Iterable<?> iterable)
        Determines if the iterable is empty or not.
        iterable - the iterable to check
        True if the iterable is empty, False otherwise
      • size

        public static int size​(@NonNull
                               @NonNull Iterable<?> iterable)
        Gets the size of the iterable
        iterable - the iterable
        the number of items in the iterable
      • sort

        public static <E extends Comparable<? super E>> List<E> sort​(@NonNull
                                                                     @NonNull Iterable<? extends E> iterable)

        Sorts the items of an iterable returning an array of the sorted items.

        Type Parameters:
        E - The component type of the iterable which implements the Comparable interface.
        iterable - The iterable instance to sort
        A list of the items in the given iterable sorted using the items natural comparator.
      • sort

        public static <E> List<E> sort​(@NonNull
                                       @NonNull Iterable<? extends E> iterable,
                                       @NonNull Comparator<? super E> comparator)

        Sorts the items of an iterable returning an array of the sorted items.

        Type Parameters:
        E - The component type of the iterable.
        iterable - The iterable instance to sort
        comparator - The comparator to use for sorting
        A list of the items in the given iterable sorted using the given comparator.
      • transform

        public static <I,​O> Iterable<O> transform​(@NonNull
                                                        @NonNull Iterable<? extends I> iterable,
                                                        @NonNull SerializableFunction<? super I,​? extends O> function)
        Transforms the elements in the iterable
        Type Parameters:
        I - the iterable element type parameter
        O - the transformed element type parameter
        iterable - the iterable to transform
        function - the function to perform transform
        the transformed iterable
      • zip

        public static <T,​U> Iterable<Map.Entry<T,​U>> zip​(@NonNull
                                                                     @NonNull Iterable<? extends T> iterable1,
                                                                     @NonNull Iterable<? extends U> iterable2)

        Zips (combines) two iterators together. For example, if iterable 1 contained [1,2,3] and iterable 2 contained [4,5,6] the result would be [(1,4), (2,5), (3,6)]. Note that the length of the resulting stream will be the minimum of the two iterables.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the component type of the first iterator
        U - the component type of the second iterator
        iterable1 - the iterator making up the key in the resulting entries
        iterable2 - the iterator making up the value in the resulting entries
        A stream of entries whose keys are taken from iterable1 and values are taken from iterable2
      • zipWithIndex

        public static <T> Iterable<Map.Entry<T,​Integer>> zipWithIndex​(@NonNull
                                                                            @NonNull Iterable<? extends T> iterable)
        Creates pairs of entries from the given iterable and its index in the iterable (0 based)
        Type Parameters:
        T - the iterator type parameter
        iterable - the iterator
        the iterable with index values