Class CoNLLEvaluation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Evaluation, SequenceLabelerEvaluation

    public class CoNLLEvaluation
    extends Object
    implements SequenceLabelerEvaluation

    Evaluation used in CoNLL for Named Entity Recognition. Defined as: "Precision is the percentage of named entities found by the learning system that are correct. Recall is the percentage of named entities present in the corpus that are found by the system. A named entity is correct only if it is an exact match of the corresponding entity in the data file"

    Sang, Erik F. Tjong Kim and Fien De Meulder. “Introduction to the CoNLL-2003 Shared Task: Language-Independent Named Entity Recognition.” ArXiv cs.CL/0306050 (2003): n. pag.

    David B. Bracewell
    • Constructor Detail

      • CoNLLEvaluation

        public CoNLLEvaluation​(String outputName)
        Instantiates a new CoNLLEvaluation.
        outputName - the output name of the model to evaluate
    • Method Detail

      • accuracy

        public double accuracy()

        Calculates the accuracy of the system as defined as:

            accuracy = correct / (correct + incorrect + missed)
        the accuracy of the model
      • evaluate

        public void evaluate​(@NonNull
                             @NonNull Model model,
                             @NonNull DataSet dataset)
        Specified by:
        evaluate in interface Evaluation
      • f1

        public double f1​(String label)

        Calculates the F1 measure of the system as defined as:

            F1 = (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
        the F1 measure of the model
      • macroF1

        public double macroF1()

        Calculates the macro F1-measure or the arithmetic mean of the per-class F1-scores.

        the macro F1-measure
      • macroPrecision

        public double macroPrecision()

        Calculates the macro precision or the arithmetic mean of the per-class precision-scores.

        the macro precision
      • macroRecall

        public double macroRecall()

        Calculates the macro recall or the arithmetic mean of the per-class recall-scores.

        the macro recall
      • microF1

        public double microF1()

        Calculates the micro F1-measure which is the F1-measure over the micro-precision and micro-recall

        the micro F1-measure
      • microPrecision

        public double microPrecision()

        Calculates the micro-precision of the system as defined as:

            micro-precision = sum(correct) / ( sum(correct) + sum(incorrect) )
        the micro-precision of the model
      • microRecall

        public double microRecall()

        Calculates the micro-recall of the system as defined as:

            micro-recall = sum(correct) / ( sum(correct) + sum(missed) )
        the micro-recall of the model
      • precision

        public double precision​(String label)

        Calculates the precision of the system for a given label defined as:

            precision = correct / ( correct + incorrect )
        the precision of the model
      • recall

        public double recall​(String label)

        Calculates the recall of the system for a given label defined as:

            precision = correct / ( correct + missed )
        the recall of the model